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Sweden and Swedish America in World War II

This guide is for anyone looking to conduct research on World War II using Swenson Center resources.


Some book titles to get you started. This is not an exhaustive list!


Scandinavia during the Second World War

                Nissen, Henrik S., 1983.


The Americanization of Europe: culture, diplomacy, and anti-Americanism after 1945

                Stephan, Alexander, 2006.


His name was Raoul Wallenberg: courage, rescue, and mystery during World War II

                Borden, Louise, 2012.


Svenskar i strid mot Hitler: i amerikansk krigstjänst, 1941-45

                Gyllenhaal, Lars, 2018.


Sweden after Nazism: politics and culture in the wake of the Second World War

                Östling, Johan, 2016.


Growing up in Sweden: in the shadow of World War II

                Setterdahl, Lilly, 2008.


Jumpin' Jimminy - a World War II baseball saga: American flyboys and Japanese submariners battle it out in a Swedish world series

                Skole, Robert, 2004.


American women and Swedish women changes since World War II

                Reinartz, Kay Frances, 1973.