Below are listed some of the library's journal databases that may be of use to you for theater research. Some databases may be more appropriate for your topic than others; the majority are based in the humanities, so it's important to pay attention to the databases' descriptions to learn more about each database you can use. To see a full list of our databases, please look at our A-Z database list.
What's included?
*Citations and full-text to resources relating to multiple subject areas
What's included?
*Full-text literary criticism on the works of dramatists
*Critical essays
*Book reviews
What's included?
*Full-text to academic journals and primary sources in multiple disciplines
What's included?
*Bibliography of resources covering literature, language and linguistics, folklore, literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts
What's included?
*Full access to the Humanities Collection
What's included?
*Access to streaming videos of theater productions, together with film documentaries
*All films include public performance rights
OneSearch provides a simple way to search for books, eBooks, videos, articles, and more, all in one place. In the search box above, you will see a drop-down list of options for filtering your search. To find articles, you have several options:
Advanced Search
To perform an advanced search, click on the "advanced search" link located just below the Primo search box above. You'll not only be able to select which collections to search in, you'll also see different fields you can enter your search terms in. You can also limit by material type, language, and publication date.