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Swedish America during the American Civil War

This guide is for anyone looking to conduct research on the American Civil War using Swenson Center resources.


Here are some book titles to get you started. This is not an exhaustive list!


The Civil war in song and story, 1860-1865

Moore, Frank, 1882.


The Story of a private in the Civil War: the experiences of Gus Alstrand of Fort Dodge, in battle and as a prisoner in the Andersonville stockade.

                Alstrand, Gustaf, 1970.


Colonel Heg and his boys: a Norwegian regiment in the American Civil War

                Ager, Waldemar, 2000.


The civil war letters of Colonel Hans Christian Heg

                Heg, Hans Christian; Blegen, Theodore Christian (ed); 1936.


Minnesota in the Civil and Indian wars, 1861-1865

                Minnesota Historical Society, 2005.


Swedish immigrants in Lincoln's time

                Hokanson, Nels Magnus, 1942.


The diary of James T. Ayers, Civil War recruiter

                Ayers, James T.; Franklin, John Hope, (ed); 1947.


Two wars on the frontier: diaries of A. J. Carlson

                Carlson, A. J. (Andrew John); Biorn, Wendy Peterson (ed); 2014.


Skizzer från nord-amerikanska kriget, 1861-1865. Bref och anteckningar under en fyraårig vistelse i Förenta Staterna

                Warberg, Adolf Carlsson, 1867.


För adoptivlandets och mänsklighetens sak: svenskarna i Illinois och det amerikanska inbördeskriget

                Kvist, Roger, 2003.