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GEOG 120 Human Geography Global (Strunk) - Special Collections Guide

Items Viewed During Class

During your class visit, you encountered a variety of materials containing information about the topics that you are investigating for your assignment.  The materials were pulled from each of the main sections of Special Collections: our book collection, our manuscript collections, our vertical files, and our photograph collection.  Additionally, some tables included sample articles from the Augustana Observer, printed from the digital copies in our Observer/Rockety-I database.  All of the materials viewed during class are listed below.  Please refer to this list if you need to request an item to view in the reading room, or if you need identification information for citation purposes. 

List of Materials

    Photographs: C-F00090, C-F00111, C-F00112
•    Vertical File: Augustana College - Carlsson Hall, Augustana College - Peter J. Lindberg Center for Health and Human Performance
•    Augustana Observer: "Need for space prompts annex," 12/18/1992, p. 2
•    Postcards: Dormitory, Women's Building (see Postcards MSS # & box #)
•    Augustana Bulletin: 10/31/1927, Series 22, No. 5 

•    Multiple manuscript items:  Folders 14 and 16, Box 3, MSS 67 Augustana College Buildings and Grounds records


•    Photographs: C-F05913
•    Vertical Files:

  • Augustana College - Center for Student Life - Planning through building completion
  • Augustana College - Center for Student Life
  • Augustana College - Center for Student Life - Grand Opening
  • Augustana College - Gerber Center for Student Life
  • Augustana College - Library, 1990 - Thomas Tredway

•    Augustana Observer: "New student center construction could begin this spring," 9/29/2011, pp. 1-2
•    Postcards: Augustana College Library, Augustana College Campus Library
    Augustana Bulletin: Fall 1988 (no series or issue numbers) Call #: Aug Inst LD271 .A66551 A938
•    Publications: ConTEXTS: A Celebration of the Augustana College Library Call #: Aug Inst LD 271 .A665 C660 1991

•    Photographs: C-D00227, C-F02285, C-F04761, C-F05259
•    Vertical File: Augustana College - Slough
•    Augustana Observer: "Slough to be Transformed Into Beauty Spot," 11/12/1951, p. 1
•    Postcard: Campus Walkway
•    Augustana Bulletin: Winter 2001 (no series or issue numbers) Call #: Aug Inst LD271 .A66551 A938
•    Manuscript items: Folder 3, Box 1, MSS 67 Augustana College Buildings and Grounds records


    Photographs: C-D-00002, C-D00148, C-L00775, C-L00776, C-L00092
•    Vertical Files: Augustana College - Ascension Chapel, Augustana College - Founders Hall, Augustana College - Seminary Buildings
•    Augustana Observer: "Co-ed housing improves interaction," 10/28/1987, pp. 4
•    Postcard: Seminary Buildings, Ascension Chapel
•    Augustana Bulletin: June 1925, Series 20, No. 3 Call #: Aug Inst LD271 .A66551 A938
•    Manuscript items: Folder 2 and 4, Box 8, MSS 67 Augustana College Buildings and Grounds records

•    Photographs: C-F00095, C-L00087, C-L00297, C-S00326
•    Vertical Files: 

  • Augustana Book Concern
  • Augustana College - College Center
  • Augustana College - North Hall
  • Augustana College - Sorensen Hall
  • Augustana College - The College Drug

•    Augustana Observer: "North Hall renamed to honor Sorensen," 5/7/1975, p.3
•    Postcards: Augustana Book Concern, Sorensen Hall
•    Manuscript items:  Folder 10, Box 8, MSS 67 Augustana College Buildings and Grounds records
•    Other:  A Ministry of Printing: History of the Publication House of Augustana Lutheran Church (multiple copies in multiple locations available, see catalog record for location information)

•    Photographs: C-S01184, C-S01957
•    Vertical File:  Augustana College – Casa Latina
•    Augustana Observer: 

  • “Black Culture House moves to new site,” 10/05/1988, p. 3.
  • “Room in the Inn, “05/14/1969, p. 1. 
  •  “Casa Latina opens with Hispanic traditions,” 01/21/1994, p. 2.   
  • “School looking at new options for campus culture houses,” 02/06/2004, p.1. 

•    Manuscript items: 

  • Black Culture House, Box 8, MSS 385 67 Augustana College Buildings and Grounds Records
  • Casa Latina house notebook, Box 2, MSS 409 Latinx Unidos Records

•    Photographs: C-F05178, C-F05441, C-F06475, C-L00149
•    Vertical File: Augustana College - Carver Physical Education Center; Augustana College - Ericson Field
•    Augustana Observer:  "Begin New Gym in 3 Weeks," 10/0/1986, p. 1
•    Postcard: Roy J. Carver Center for Physical Education
•    Multiple manuscript items: Oversize Box 1 and Folder 17, Box 8, MSS 67 Augustana College Buildings and Grounds records