Below are listed some of the library's journal databases that may be of use to you for geographical research. Some databases may be more appropriate for your topic than others, so pay attention to the databases' descriptions and be sure to search in a variety of resources, both on this page and in the library's other collections.
What's included?
*Citations to academic related publications
*To access Web of Science from off-campus, you must first register (create an account) while on campus.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. Access Web of Science by going to the Augustana College library website. (For example, on the “A-Z Resources” page.)
2. Click Sign In along the top navigation.
3. Click Register to create a new account. (You will be asked to enter your email address to verify that you don’t already have an account.)
4. Fill in the User Registration page.
5. After the username and password you have entered is verified, it will become active.
Keeping your access active:
• In order to keep their access active, users are required to sign in to their account from an IP authenticated (on-campus) computer or device every six months to verify that they are an authorized user.
What's included?
*Full coverage of several multiple discipline journals
What's included?
*Citations and full-text access to resources related to agriculture, ecosystem ecology, and environmental studies
What's included?
*Full-text to academic journals and primary sources in multiple disciplines
What's included?
*Tool to interact with data to create maps, charts, reports on demography, economy, health, politics, environment, crime and more
Looking for research from a particular journal? Below are a list of the geography-related journal titles the library has subscriptions to. You can locate these resources by using the Journal Search feature of the library's homepage.
Note: This list may not reflect all of our journal titles related to geography. Additionally, if at any point access to one of these titles becomes unavailable or the library does not yet have access to an issue you need due to full-text delays, you may still request articles via Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Journal Title | Issue Dates |
2002-present |
Acta Geographica Slovenia |
2003-present |
African Geographical Review | 2004-2011 |
Annals of the American Association of Geographers | 2016-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Annals of the Association of American Geographers | 1911-2018 |
Applied Geography |
1995-present |
Applied GIS | 2005-present |
Australian Geographer | 1997-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Australian Geographic | 1998-2018 |
Australian Geographical Studies | 1998-2004 |
Bulletin of the American Geographical Society | 1901-1915 |
Canadian Geographer | 1997-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Canadian Geographic | 1994-present |
Caribbean Geography | 1997-2005 |
Cartographic Journal | 2003-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Children's Geographies | 2003-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Cultural Geographies |
2002-2016 |
CyberGeo: European Journal of Geography |
1996-present |
Economic Geography | 1925-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Ecumene | 1998-2001 |
Fennia: International Journal of Geography | 2001-present |
Focus [American Geographical Society] | 1990-2001 |
Geografiska Annaler |
1919-1964 |
Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography | 1965-present (Full-Text Delay: 6 years) |
Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography |
1965-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Geographical: The Royal Geographical Society Magazine | 2011-present |
Geographical Analysis | 2003-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Geographical Bulletin | 1997-present |
Geographical and Environmental Modeling | 1998-2002 |
Geographical Journal | 1893-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Geographical Phorum | 2002-present |
Geographical Research | 2005-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Geographical Review | 1916-present |
Geography Compass | 2011-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Geography Research Forum | 1980-present |
Global Networks | 2001-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
GPS Solutions | 1997-present |
GPS World | 2000-present |
Imago Mundi | 1935-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Indonesian Journal of Geography | 2010-present |
Industrial Geographer | 2003-2015 |
International Journal of Geographical Information Science | 1998-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education | 2002-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Journal of Cultural Geography | 1997-present |
Journal of Geographical Systems | 1999-present |
The Journal of Geography | 2006-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Journal of Geography in Higher Education | 1990-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Journal of Historical Geography |
1975-1994 (library print collection) 1995-present (online) |
Journal of Latin American Geography | 2003-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Journal of Maps |
2008-present |
Journal of Political Ecology | 1994-present |
Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society | 1859-1870 |
Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York | 1872-1900 |
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of Lonodn | 1831-1880 |
Journal of Transport Geography | 1995-present |
National Geographic | 1995-present (Full-Text Delay: 3 months) |
National Geographic en Espanol | 2005-present |
National Geographic Kids | 2002-present |
Nature | 1997-present |
Philosophy and Geography | 2001-2004 |
Photogrammetric Record | 2003-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Political Geography | 1995-present |
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society & Monthly Record of Geography | 1879-1892 |
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London | 1857-1877 |
Professional Geographer | 1984-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Progress in Human Geography |
1997-present |
Progress in Physical Geography | 1998-2016 |
Science | 1880-present |
Scientific American | 1845-present |
Scottish Geographical Journal | 1999-present (Full-Text Delay: 18 months) |
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography | 1999-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Social and Cultural Geography | 2000-present (Full-text Delay: 18 months) |
Southeastern Geographer | 2004-present |
Transactions in GIS | 1999-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
Urban Geography |
1894-2006 (Library print collection) 2007-2016 (online) |
Western Geography | 1992-present |
Yearbook- Association of Pacific Coast Geographers | 2004-present (Full-Text Delay: 12 months) |
If an article doesn't have a full-text link in the database, it doesn't mean you can't access the article! Follow these steps to locate the full-text of an article.