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Public Health in Sweden and Swedish America

This guide is for anyone looking to conduct research about public health and health workers in Sweden and in communities of Swedish immigrants in the United States


Here are some book and dissertation sources to get you started. This is not an exhaustive list!


It began with a dollar: the history of Swedish American Health System, 1911-2011

                Greenland, Paul R., 2011.


Text-book of the principles and practice of nursing

                Harmer, Bertha, 1928.


Our Book (Chicago, Ill.): Augustana Hospital School of Nursing

                Also called Augustana Hospital Training School for Nurses. 18--?


The first twenty-five years A history of the first years of the Lutheran Hospital, the School of Nursing, and the Alumnae Assoc.

                Lutheran Hospital School for Nurses Alumni Association, 1942.


A history of the Augustana Hospital School of Nursing, 1884-1938

                Schjolberg, Amy O., 1939.


Hemläkaren: en hjelpreda för landtboer, så väl i Sverige som Amerika, med recepter enligt svenska och amerikanska farmacopéerna (A home study: a guide for rural residents, both in Sweden and America, with prescriptions according to the Swedish and American pharmacopoeias)

                Traneus, L. 1874.


Scandinavian common sense: policies to tackle social inequalities in health

                Raynault, Marie-France; Côté, Dominique; Chartrand, Sébastien; 2015.


Social work and legislation in Sweden.

                Socialstyrelsen, 1938.


Hygiene and sanitation; a text-book for nurses.

                Price, George M., 1927.