What's included?
*Full coverage is from 1851 to 2017
*For more recent coverage, go to US Newsstream
What's included?
*Full coverage is from 1849 to 1997
*For more recent coverage, go to US Newsstream
What's included?
1. Contains resources related to all aspects of American history and culture before the 20th century.
2. Date coverage: 1684-1912.
What's included?
*Access to American magazines and journals published from colonial days to the early 20th century
What's included?
*Full coverage of newspapers related to the Civil War Era from 1840 to 1865
What's included?
*Full coverage education magazines, ranging from the early 20th to 21st centuries
*Publications are aimed at teachers and other educational professionals
What's included?
*Resource for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, from the era of vaudeville and silent movies.
*Coverage: 1880 - 2015
*Full-text magazines covering film, music, broadcasting and theater on these topics:
*Music, Radio and The Stage
*Cinema, Film and Television
*Rock, Folk and Hip-hop
What's included?
*Full-text coverage from ethnic and minority presses
What's included?
*Full coverage to resources of alternative press resources, produced by feminists, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press and alternative literary magazines during the latter half of the 20th century
What's included?
*Full-text access to 15 major magazines (including the Newsweek archive) spanning areas including current events, international relations, and public policy
*Coverage on 20th century’s key issues and events
What's included?
*Full coverage of scholarly periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences from 1802 to 2005
What's included?
*Full coverage of magazines devoted to religious topics, spanning 19th-21st centuries
What's included?
*Full coverage from national and international newspapers from 1980 to present
*Newspapers include, but limited to:
1. Boston Globe
2. Chicago Tribune
3. Denver Post
4. Los Angeles Times
5. New York Times
6. Washington Post
7. Wall Street Journal
What's included?
*Full coverage of women’s magazines, dating from the 19th century through to the 21st century.
*Collection contains:
1. Better Homes & Gardens
2. Chatelaine
3. Company
4. Cosmopolitan
5. Essence
6. Good Housekeeping
7. Ladies' Home Journal
8. Parents
9. Prima
10. Redbook
11. Seventeen
12. She
13. Town and Country
14. Woman's Day
15. Women's International Network News0>
Collections on the Web:
Search the papers in our Historical Black Newspapers collection title-by-title using the links below.
What's included?
*Newspaper covers many topics of Jewish interest internationally from 1857 to 1922
What's included?
*Focuses on spreading the principles of Reform Judaism, and to keep American Jews in touch with Jewish affairs and their religious identity
What's included?
*Full coverage from 1905 to 1990
What's included?
*Full coverage is from 1887 to 1990