1. Ensure that you are registered to vote before Election Day (unless you live in a state that allows registration on Election Day, like Illinois!) Check out the links on the left side of your screen to register or check if you are already registered.
2. Locate your polling place. You can look up your polling place by state at this link.
3. If you are voting in Illinois, be sure to go to your polling place between 6am and 7pm -- bring your voter ID card if you are already registered to vote! If you will be registering in person, be sure to bring two forms of approved identification from the list in the Registering on Election Day tab when you visit your polling place. It can take a few minutes to go through the registration process, so be prepared.
Requesting a ballot:
1. Fill out this Absentee ballot request form from vote.org - make sure you include your signature and the date!
2. Sent your completed form to your Local Election Office. You can find the correct mailing address here. You will also find the contact information of your local election office at this link. The request for an absentee ballot must be received by October 31, 2024.
3. Wait to receive your absentee ballot.
Once you have received your ballot:
1. Read and follow the instructions on your ballot.
2. Date and sign your ballot as indicated.
3. Return your signed and dated ballot to the address indicated on the return envelope. Your absentee ballot must be postmarked by November 5, 2024 (Election Day).
As a college student, voting might be a little different for you, depending on where you live and where you are registered to vote. Take a look at this resource about voting as a college student, and check back here later to see additional advice and resources!
You will need to bring TWO (2) forms of identification, at least one of which displays your name AND your current residential address. Below are some acceptable forms of ID for the state of Illinois taken from the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners:
Valid forms of ID
Mail that can be used as a form of identification:
Source: Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. "When You need ID to Vote." 2024, https://chicagoelections.gov/voting/when-you-need-id-vote