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Open Educational Resources

Education Resources

This is a selection of openly licensed course material that has been created for free use in courses. These resources may be adopted for use as classroom text, modified to create new texts, or used as a supplemental learning tool to aid in understanding key concepts. 

Arts Education

Educational Psychology

Educational Technology

Education Courses

K-12 Resources for Students to Create Mock Lesson Plans


  • cK-12 Database - cK-12 is a free resource database containing a library of standards-aligned online textbooks, videos, exercises, flashcards, and applications for more than 5,000 K-12 concepts. 
  • Curriki - Curriki is an online database of  educator-vetted open educational resources for use in K-12 classrooms, created and shared by teachers, educators, and professionals worldwide. 
  • Go Open Michigan - A library of open educational resources created by Michigan educators and funded by the State of Michigan. #goopenmichigan
  • Khan Academy - Khan Academy provides free access to practice exercises, instructional videos, and other educational content in order to provide a world-class education to anyone, anywhere.
  • Michigan Open Book Project - Founded and funded as part of the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG), this online library contains a collection of open textbooks for use in classrooms around Michigan. The books are licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA.
  • WikiJunior - A project produced in conjunction with WikiBooks, WikiJunior is a site containing age-appropriate, community-produced non-fiction books for children age 0-12 years. The books have all been published under a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license. 


Video Resources

  • HippoCampus - Hippocampus is a video library containing more than 7,000 free videos in 13 subject areas. 
  • MIT Blossoms - MIT Blossoms is an online library of math and science video lessons for use in high-school classes. 


Read-Aloud Texts

(Note: Many of these resources are freely available for access and viewing, but are not truly open-licensed. Always check to make sure you are allowed to use a work in the way you intend to.)

Resources for Lessons, Lesson Plans, and Curriculum

  • BetterLesson - BeterLesson is a teaching project devoted to building an online body of knowledge around authentic instructional practice. It includes a collection of lesson plans designed to meet discipline standards. 
  • EDSITEment - An online library from the National Endowment for the Humanities that includes lesson plans and study activities for students. 
  • Mathematics Vision Project - The Mathematics Vision Project (MVP) provides curriculum for students in mathematics classrooms ranging from Secondary Math 1 through Algebra 2. 
  • Share My Lesson - an online repository of k-12 lesson plans, created by teachers for teachers. 
  • TeacherTube - a resource that allows teachers to upload and view video recordings of lessons taught in their classroom, to aid others in forming lesson plans
  • TED Ed - TED Ed is a site created by the founders of the TED Talk series, in which faculty can create customized lessons for thier students based on TED talks and any other YouTube videos. 

Other Sources of Content

  • Canvas Commons - An online repository of content created by Canvas users, which can be imported into any Canvas course. 
  • CC-Search - a search engine, powered by Creative Commons, that allows you to limit the results returned by popular websites to only open resources. 
  • Common Lit - An online collection of reading passages in all literary and nonfiction genres for students in grades 3-12. 
  • Merlot - Merlot is one of the world's largest collections of OER, created and reviewed by users worldwide. 
  • NASA STEM Resources - NASA has made available a large library of digital content for use in STEM classes. 
  • OER Commons - AN online, public digital library of open resources that allows users to build and share content. 
  • PBS Learning Media - An online curated library of free, standards-aligned videos, lesson plans, and more. 
  • Smithsonian Learning Lab - Smithsonian Learning Lab is an online collection of millions of digital images, recordings, texts, and videos from the Smithsonian Museums, which educators can discover, adapt, and share. 
  • Utah Education Network The Utah Education Network is an online portal of educational resource originally designed to serve and connect all Utah school districts. It has since grown to be one of the nation's premier education networks.