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Minority Communities in Sweden and Swedish America

This guide is for anyone looking to conduct genealogy or research about the five official minority communities of Sweden or Swedish America (Sámi, Swedish Finns, Tornedalers, Roma and Jews).


Here are some ways to connect Swenson resources with articles and books accessed through the Tredway Library databases. This is not an exhaustive list!

Keywords / Search terms:

  • Sweden ethnic minorit*
  • Sweden minority language
  • Sweden minority culture
  • Sweden Sami
  • Finns in Sweden
  • Tornedalers
  • Sweden Roma
  • Sweden Jew*

Here are a few examples of materials available through Tredway. This is not an exhaustive list!

Undoing Homogeneity in the Nordic Region : Migration, Difference and the Politics of Solidarity

                Call number: (Open access online).

Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Sweden: identifying blind spots in Roma inclusion policy

                Call number: (Open access online).

The challenge of minority integration: politics and policies in the Nordic nations

Call number: (Open access online).

Cultural diversity, Multilingualism and Ethnic minorities in Sweden

                Article, open access online.

Representations of Finnishness in Sweden

Call number: (Open access online).

"Sons of the Midnight Sun": Korpelanism, Sami and Finnish minorities in Swedish newspapers in late 1930s.

                Article, available online via Tredway.