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COMM 210c: Digital Games and Culture (Dr. Boone)

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Advanced Search

OneSearch provides a simple way to search for books, eBooks, videos, articles, digital media, and more, all in one place. In the search box above, you will see a drop-down list of options for filtering your search.  To find articles, you have several options:

​Tredway Library Resources (ALiCat+Articles): This is the default option which searches all of the library's physical and electronic resources (books, eBooks, videos, journal/magazine articles, and electronic references sources). This search also includes items in Special Collections and the Swenson Center.

Everything (ALiCat+Articles+I-Share): This option searches across everything, including articles from our databases, as well as books available to us through the I-Share service.

Articles only: This option searches for journal articles, magazine articles, newspapers articles, and electronic reference material across our databases.

Adding Database Filters

In many databases, you will have a number of options to filter your results.  When possible, I recommend filtering for full text (to make sure you get the full article rather than just a citation), peer-reviewed (when you need scholarly sources, this filter saves you a lot of time), and by date (to make sure you are getting the most up-to-date research).  The following screenshot shows what these filters might look like in Academic Search Complete or other Ebsco databases:

And in OneSearch: