This research guide is for students enrolled in HIST 300 with Dr. Simonsen and is intended to help you complete assignments connected to your visits to Special Collections. In this guide, you will find information about the items you encountered during the class sessions and information that will enable you to search for additional content. Please use the menu on the left-hand side to access the relevant information.
For additional assistance with secondary sources and locating digitized primary sources, please see this HIST 300 Resource Guide by Kaitlyn Goss-Peirce.
You are welcome to return to Special Collections on your own to continue your research if you would like to look more closely at any of our materials or if you need additional research assistance.
Hours Monday-Thursday, 1:00-5:00 p.m., or by appointment.
Website http://www.augustana.edu/library/special-collections
Email specialcollections@augustana.edu
Phone (309) 794-7643