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A Guide for students seeking geology library resources.


This subject guide was created to connect you with helpful resources for the study of geology at Augustana. Whether you're a senior geology major working on your senior inquiry project, an underclassman taking a single class, or interested in the subject as it pertains to another course, you should find something useful here.

If you have questions about your research, get in touch with a librarian, or ask at the research help desk on the library's 2nd floor.

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Advanced Search

A Few Things to Remember About OneSearch

OneSearch is the library's new way of discovering resources to use in your research. There are a few things to remember to make your searching easier: 

  1. Log In to Your Account
    Before you begin searching, we recommend that you log into your account. This will enable you to see what resources are available to you online as an Augustana students, as well as will allow you to save your searches so that you can return to them later. OneSearch uses your standard Augustana username and password - no need for a separate account!
  2. Remember You Are Casting a Wide Net
    This can be both a good thing and can make your searching more difficult. It can be beneficial in that you will find resources from a variety of different databases and disciplines. However, it can also mean that you find too many resources and experience information overload. The best way to avoid this is to be deliberate and to be specific in your searching. 
  3. Use the Built-In Filters to Narrow Your Search
    OneSearch will do a lot of the heavy lifting for you, if you use the built-in features! Look to the options along the top and left-hand sides of your results pages to see the many ways in which OneSearch will limit your results to fit the parameters of your assignment. 
  4. Save Your Searches
    If you are logged into your account, OneSearch will let you save your searches so that you can return back to the same page you were on. This is especially helpful if you find that you are having success with your chosen search terms/ filters and would like to be able to return back to that same location again!
  5. Save Your Citations
    OneSearch makes it very easy to export the citations of library resources to your chosen reference manager.