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Swedish American Publishers and Publication

This guide is for anyone looking to conduct research on the history of Swedish American publication using Swenson Center resources.


Here are some book titles to get you started (these are available in English, but much more is available in Swedish!). This is not an exhaustive list!


Augustana Book Concern: fiftieth anniversary, 1884-1934: publishers to the Augustana Synod since 1889: history of the synodical publication house with introductiory account of earlier publishing enterprises

            Olson, Ernst W., 1934.


A ministry of printing: history of the publication house of Augustana Lutheran Church, 1889-1962: with an introductory account of earlier publishing enterprises

            Nystrom, Daniel, 1962.


My story: immigrant, executive, traveler

            Swenson, Birger, 1979.


Svenskt tryck i Nordamerika: katalog över Tell G. Dahllöfs samling = Swedish-American imprints: a catalogue of the Tell G. Dahllöf Collection

            Larsson, Gunilla; Tedenmyr, Eva; 1988.


McKeesport, Pennsylvania: centre of Swedish publishing in the Mid-Atlantic America.

Baigent, Elizabeth, 1992.


Augustana Historical Society publications. Number 3.

            Olson, Ernst W., 1933.