Tredway Library has subscriptions to a variety of different newspaper databases that may be relevant to your research in Africana Studies. These collections include both historical newspapers and sources that are still in circulation today. The bulk of our collections are comprised of English-language newspapers from the United States, however we do subscribe to a number of collections with international papers as well.
To help you select the newspaper(s) that will be the most useful to you, read the brief descriptions provided below the links included on this page. These descriptions should help give a general overview of the types of materials included within that collection.
For a full list of the databases the library subscribes to, visit: You can select 'newspapers' from the list of resource types at the top of the page.
Historical Black Newspapers
What's included?
*Full coverage of this historical Black Newspaper from 1931-2003
What's included?
*Full coverage of this historical Black Newspaper from 1893 to 1988
What's included?
*Full coverage of this historic Black newspaper from1909 to 2010
*For more recent articles, search Ethnic NewsWatch
What's included?
*Full coverage to this historical Black newspaper is from 1934 to 2005
What's included?
*Full coverage to this historical Black newspaper from 1922 to 1993
What's included?
*Full coverage to this historical Black newspaper is from 1921 to 2003.
What's included?
*Full coverage of this historical Black newspaper from 1912 to 2001
What's included?
*Full coverage of the historical Black Newspaper from 1911 to 2002
What's included?
*Full coverage to historical Black newspapers including the following:
1. Atlanta Daily World
2. Baltimore Afro-American
3. Chicago Defender
4. Los Angeles Sentinel
5. New York Amsterdam News
6. Norfolk Journal & Guide
7. Philadelphia Tribune
8. Pittsburgh Courier
What's included?
*Full-text coverage from ethnic and minority presses
What's included?
*Primary documents related to African Americans topics from 1790 to 2000
General Newspaper Collections
What's included?
*News sources from Illinois, United States, and the world covering various topics
What's included?
*Full-text to newspapers relating to various topics
*Access to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Washington Post, USA Today, and more
What's included?
*Full-text to newspapers relating to various topics
*Access to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Washington Post, USA Today, and more
What's included?
*Full-text access to over 15,000 news, business, and legal sources
*Company Dossier containing company information
*Shepard's Citations service for all federal and state court cases from 1789 to the present
**To access Nexis Uni from off-campus, you must first register (create an account) while on campus.
What's included?
*Full coverage from national and international newspapers from 1980 to present
*Newspapers include, but limited to:
1. Boston Globe
2. Chicago Tribune
3. Denver Post
4. Los Angeles Times
5. New York Times
6. Washington Post
7. Wall Street Journal