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Africana Studies

A guide for students interested in topics related to Africana studies.

New Books Related to #BlackLivesMatter

Resources on this Topic

How to Find Resources on Black Lives Matter

Finding research on Black Lives Matter will require you to use a variety of interdisciplinary resources, as well as sources of information that may not traditionally be considered 'scholarly' or 'academic' that are nonetheless extremely useful for searching on this subject - like social media. Included on this page are some suggestions as to how you can best tailor your searching to find the resources you are looking for. 

If you need assistance in locating materials or planning your research, please contact your liaison librarian for Africana Studies. Contact information is located in the box to the left-side of the screen

Helpful Tips
  1. Be Aware of Your Sources of Information:
    As with all research you do, it is necessary for you to look critically at the sources of information you draw into your work. This is especially so with doing research on the Black Lives Matter movement. Many individuals will write on this topic for purposes other than education, and you must take extra care to be on the lookout for those that share misinformation or seek to further their own unrelated agendas. When in doubt, it is often best practice to start by seeking out information from individuals who have directly lived the experience(s) you are researching, rather than consulting a third party. 

    To help determine if the sources you are considering are worth including in your research, ask yourself the questions found on the Assessing the Quality of Sources page. Pay special attention to those in the 'Accuracy' and 'Purpose' sections. 
  2. Consider Nontraditional Sources of Information:
    Much of the information sharing surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement has occurred on social media. While you will want to balance social media posts with more traditional sources of information in your work, social media can be an excellent place to find valuable primary sources on your subject. 

    Consider using, for example, the Advanced Search feature of Twitter to search for posts pertaining to the particular topic you are researching. As always, consider who is making the post and for what purpose they are sharing the information. Hashtags to search include:
    1. #BlackLivesMatter
    2. #BLM
    3. #WeCantBreathe
    4. #SayHerName
    5. #SayTheirNames

General Resources Related to Black Lives Matter

On this page you will find links to a variety of resources that can help provide a general overview of the Black Lives Matter movement, or that may connect you with key resources in this area of study. Many of these links will take you to resources outside of Tredway Library, including to a number of archival resources. 

Community Archives:

Finding information that directly comes from the communities and/or individuals who have lived the experiences you are researching is often the best place to start when researching Black Lives Matter. Below are listed some of the many community archives that have been created to document and preserve information directly related to the movement and its activities. 

Interviews from Black Lives Matter Activists + Allies

On this page you will find links to a variety of interviews, both written and oral, that have been conducted with individuals who are a part of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Finding Journals Related to Black Lives Matter

Tredway library does not have any specific journals that only feature exclusively resources on Black Lives Matter, since it is a topic that spans across many areas of study. However, listed here are some journals that you may find resources on the movement within. 


Journal Name Years Available
African American Review 1992 - present 
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 1890 - present
Journal of Black Studies 1970 - present
The Journal of Pan-African Studies 1987 - present
Journal of Popular Culture 1997 - present
Research in African Literatures 1970 - present


Electronic Reference Resources
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