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Services offered by the library

Social Media Policy

The Thomas Tredway Library at Augustana College uses several social media applications, allowing library employees to engage with the Augustana community through social media platforms. Our social media accounts include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. As social media platforms develop over time, this information could change. 

Our social media accounts are intended for the following purposes:

  • To provide information that is related to our services and operations, such as programs, spaces, collections, and services to our students.
  • To invite our users and followers to comment or tag us on various issues related to libraries in order to engage with us.
  • To showcase library events.
  • To engage Augustana students, staff, faculty, and the Quad Cities community.

The Tredway Library reserves the right to remove a post from a library social media site. The librarian outreach coordinator will determine if comments posted on our social media sites are inappropriate, and if action is necessary. Messages may be removed if a message interferes with an investigation, reveals confidential information, negatively impacts the reputation of people or groups, opposes the college's core values, etc. 

Complaints regarding inappropriate content should be forwarded to the librarian outreach coordinator, Garrett Traylor, at

The social media policy was adapted from the Augustana College Social Media Policy

Programs and Displays Policy

General Principles and Purpose

Thomas Tredway Library offers limited space on the main floor of the library to individual students, student groups, faculty, staff, and the local community for programs and displays. Examples of different displays and exhibits are artwork, poster displays, class projects, examples of cultural life, etc. 

While the library is committed to academic freedom, displays that are believed to be discriminatory will not be approved. 

Displays are on a first come, first serve basis. You may house a display in the library once per year. It is recommended that the display application is completed ahead of time for a stronger chance of getting the time block you desire.


  • Any costs that are associated with the display will be the responsibility of the sponsoring organization or person. This includes any insurance if the organization or individual desires it.
  • The outreach librarian will review and determines which applications receive approval. 
  • Exhibitors must set up and remove their displays within the agreed upon time frame noted on the approved application form. If display is not removed in the agreed upon time frame, the group or individual will not be allowed to have another display in the library for one year thereafter.
  • The library is not responsible for any loss, theft, or vandalism of any objects or materials that are part of the display.
  • Library staff is not responsible for transportation, maintenance, security, storage, and/or removal of materials in display.
  • Library staff will assist with the installation process.
  • Displays are not allowed to block any of the building exits or entrances.
  • Materials may not be displayed or hung on the walls or stairway of the library.
  • At the time of installation, the individual or organization will provide a list of pieces in the display.
  • Each display should include information about the display to provide context.

Student Art Displays

The library has three gallery rails on the 2nd floor upon which student art may be displayed. Please contact Garrett Traylor if you are interested in displaying your artwork in the library; the library has a Student Artist Consent Form that can be filled out for those interested in lending their art for display the library.

Display panels available for use

The library has eight large gray panels available for use. To reserve the gray panels, you must contact Garrett Traylor (, x7823) at least 48 hours in advance. He will have a check-out contract for you to read over and sign before you reserve the panels.

  • There are eight panels total; you may check out 2-8 panels at a time. It is possible that not all panels will be available for the time you need.
  • Reserving panels are on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Gray panels must be used within the Gerber Center for Student Life, but are not restricted to use within the library.
  • If gray panels are lost or damaged, the cost of replacement is $328 per panel. 
  • If panels are returned late, late fees will accumulate at $10/day per panel, with the total fee being no higher than $70 per panel.
  • Panels must be checked out at the circulation desk. 
  • Panels must be returned to the circulation desk. It is not the responsibility of the library to find and bring back the panels.


Please contact Garrett Traylor at, or call 309-794-7823, to discuss any questions about a library display.

Application and Approval

Apply using the library display application form. The application will be sent to Garrett Traylor to review. A response will usually be provided within 3 business days of receiving an application.

Please keep in mind that a display may be approved, but on the condition that it is installed at a different time than the time requested. 

Gerber Center Digital Signage 

Groups or organizations who wish to post ads on the digital signage in The Gerber Center (near the 4th floor information desk and Gävle rooms) need to follow these guidelines.

How to submit a banner ad for The Gerber Center digital signage:

  • Precedence is given to functions which are open to all students and hosted by a department based inside The Gerber Center or a function held within The Gerber Center itself.
  • Submissions must be received by email at least 10 days before the event.
  • Information about the event must include the title of the event, a short description of the event, time, and place.
  • You may submit a finished banner ad (graphic) or simply the information needed. If you have a photo you wish to have used in the ad, please include that at the time of submission.
    • Ready-made banners must be .jpg, .jpeg, or .png.
  • Each submission must have the name and email address of a person who may be contacted for more information about the event.
  • You must include the dates when you wish to have the ad displayed.

Library Button Making Policy:

  • Individual students can make up to 20 buttons per semester outside of library events. These may not be "donated" to other students or organizations as a way around the limits.
  • Recognized student organizations can make up to 100 buttons per semester.
  • Beyond those limits, you may still use the library's button maker, but you must provide your own materials. Likewise, other offices and departments on campus are welcome to use the button maker if they provide their own materials. As per below, the button maker uses 1.25" round pinback materials.
  • You may not sell buttons made using the library's materials. If you plan to sell your buttons, you may still use the library's button maker, but you must provide your own materials. Violation of this policy may result in revocation of an individual's or organization's privilege to use these library materials.
  • Depending on total volume of usage per semester and the library's own needs, the library reserves the right to restrict usage at any time.
  • The button making machine is available for supervised in-library use only and may not be checked out to other locations, though the outreach librarian and/or outreach student assistant may be available to supervise use at pop-up events.

Library Button Making Instructions:

  • If you or a group plan to make buttons, please email the outreach librarian at with a proposed date and time so we can be sure to accommodate you.
  • The library can supply a printable button making template that can fit 20 designs.  The template is 8.5"x11".  If you resize the page, your button images will be the wrong size.
    • Pay particular attention to the measurements in the template and size your images accordingly. Images and text that fall inside the inner circle will appear on the front of the button; the space between the inner line and the outer line will fold around to the back of the button.
    • Templates should be printed on regular printer paper only.
  • The library also has supplies (e.g. washi tape, markers, stickers, etc.) that you can use to create designs by hand as well.
  • The library has materials for making 1.25" round pinback buttons only.
  • The outreach librarian or outreach student assistant can assist you on how to use the button maker.
  • If the button maker jams, the outreach librarian can assist in following these instructions. If the punch cutter jams, the outreach librarian can assist in following these instructions.

Reserving the Fourth Floor Computer Classroom


The primary use of the Library Computer Classroom is library instruction. Library information literacy instruction is embedded in all First Year Inquiry courses and supports courses across the curriculum ending with Senior Inquiry.

The classroom facilitates hands-on experience, between instruction librarians and students, through all phases of the research process. Librarians, working in close partnership with faculty, use this space to deliver course-integrated, active learning opportunities for students.

The room serves as an open computer lab space for students when not being used for instruction.


The Library Computer Classroom (room 422), is located on the 4th floor of the Gerber Center in the Information Commons.

The classroom contains 24 PCs, an instructor work station, a projector, a white board, and access to a networked printer.


When not scheduled for library instruction, the Library Computer Classroom may be scheduled by Augustana College faculty and staff for other instructional uses. The room may be reserved for short-term use only; regularly scheduled courses or events will not be scheduled.

To reserve the Library Computer Classroom, contact Andrea Wanek by email or phone, (309) 794-7266.

To schedule a Library Instruction Session, please contact your Liaison Librarian.

Policy revised 11/8/19.

Tobacco Policy

As required by Illinois law, all Augustana College buildings are smoke-free, and the use of tobacco, including smoke-free products, is prohibited within campus buildings. This policy also includes e-cigarettes. Smoking, vaping and the use of smoke-free tobacco products is allowed only in designated areas that are at least 15 feet from entrances, exits, windows that open, and ventilation intakes.  Additionally, smoking, vaping and use of smoke-free tobacco is not allowed in college-owned vehicles by drivers or passengers.

No SmokingNo vaping

Fun around the Library

In addition to offering programs throughout the academic year, the Tredway Library also houses other fun activities for students. 

Our leisure reading collection, which contains new releases and bestsellers (both fiction and non-fiction), can be found on the 2nd floor, next to the magazines, graphic novels, and self-care collection. The check-out period is 4 weeks.

Movies on DVD can be found throughout the library stacks; searching in our catalog is the easiest way to find a specific title. However, recent, popular movies can be found on the 2nd floor near the newspapers. The check-out period is 3 days. 

The library has a large collection of games and puzzles that can be used on the 2nd floor, or can be checked out of the library. The check-out period is 2 weeks.