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Special Collections

Preserve Your Presence on Campus

Special Collections is the main location for organizing, protecting, and providing access to historical campus materials. Consider donating your records! 

Materials typically donated to Special Collections: 

  • Constitutions and bylaws, mission statements, annual reports
  • Membership lists and directories
  • Minutes and records of official actions
  • Letters, memos, newsletters, and emails
  • Publications, posters, programs, brochures, handouts, petitions
  • Scrapbooks and clippings
  • Photographs, audio recordings, videos
  • T-shirts, pins, banners, and other memorabilia
  • Digital media or electronic records, if we can properly describe and transfer

This list is not exhaustive; materials may include various, unique materials that reflect and represent the organization. If your records are still in use, Special Collections can assist with suggestions for best practices.

Ready to Donate?

1. Talk to Us
Contact Special Collections to let them know you are interested in a donation. It is recommended that you designate a member of the organization to routinely donate content and/or serve as a liaison for the group.

2. Take Stock 
You’ll want to gather your materials and inform your organization of the transfer. If needed, we can provide archival boxes. Be sure to maintain any active materials that your group is still using. 

3. Transfer
Once you’ve gathered the transfer materials, reach out to us to arrange a meeting. A representative from the group will also complete a donor agreement form. 

See the full guidelines for donating to Special Collections.