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Strategic Plan


Deliver library services that maximize efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, and inclusivity.

  • Connect to new director of disability services and new VP of DEI to identify and address student needs (management team)
  • Evaluate and address the developing needs of APEP and TRIO (Christine, Garrett, and Anne)
  • Explore how to evaluate students’ sense of belonging in the library, particularly those who self-identify as people of color or multiracial, as well as other underrepresented students, e.g., international students (management team)
  • Explore integration of a more robust private consultation program into existing student services, e.g., Starfish, student tutoring, etc. (Anne)
  • Review website and LibGuides for functionality (all)
  • Develop a confidentiality and privacy policy for the circulation department (Christine)
  • Publicize new liaison librarian partnerships (management team)